Sunday, July 26, 2015

About Me

I'm 12 years old, my name is Chloe, my favorite color is purple. I like cooking and baking, it gives me something to do and always tastes delicious, and looks beautiful. My mom inspired me to bake and cook because she's very good at cooking. I'm an American living in Deutschland, where the milk is delicious and they don't know how to make cookies.

1 comment:

  1. wow that is some cake....I bet it tastes really good....yep your mom cooks know when I was a little girl I lived in Germany...twice...when I was 1 to 3yrs old and then when I was 8 to 11yrs I remember a lot. I lived first in Augsburg where my sister Charlene was born...she is a kraut....and then I lived in Hanau and Frankfurt...I loved it back was In the 1950's and a wonderful time...the food was unreal....snetzel and brochens and their butter and candy....oh you ...gan cloud
